Do you find yourself stuck, or lacking in motivation, noticing repeat patterns occurring in your life at work, in your relationships and health? Do you wonder why or how you ended up in this situation ....?
Systemic Constellation Work, or Family Constellations, pioneered by psychotherapist and philosopher Bert Hellinger is a methodology used to identify and resolve difficult life issues – in our family, work, business, health or creativity. The constellation approach takes the ‘widest possible view’ which can include past generations & trans-generational traumas.
Constellations can be used very practically for decision-making or specific challenges, or we can explore the deeper dynamics within relations with our families and ancestors. Like in nature, our focus is on finding where the natural order is not working and re-establishing harmony and flow within the Constellation. Any change within the Constellation affects the Constellation as a whole, and the work continues to have a ripple effect in the days and weeks following the session.
What to expect:
The evening will start with an Opening circle, short Meditation & Individual check in. Followed by a group exercise & some teaching around the method of the work . All important parts of building safety, trust & confidentiality within the group
If you wish to bring a "personal issue " to be constellated, you will write your name on a piece of paper & place it in a bowl
When we are ready to start, a name will be drawn & the person chosen will be asked if they are ready to work. We will then set up the first constellation, with the other members of the group being asked to be a "representative" in the "issue holders " piece of work ...
We expect to work through two constellations during the evening and up to five in an afternoon
I would recommend that is this is your first Constellation workshop, that you attend as a Representative only ready to lend yourself to another’s constellation. Many people have reported that their biggest life shifts have occurred while representing .... please contact me if you wish to discuss this recommendation
If you are unfamiliar with the approach there is a Netflix drama where the characters use constellations to look at their life issues:
"Another Self "
or a video of a Constellation on the Goop channel
The constellation will be facilitated by Katie Despres a yoga teacher, Systemic Coach & Family Constellation Facilitator.
No need to bring anything or have any experience in this work. Wear comfy clothes you can relax in.
Contact Katie if affordability is an issue & you would like to attend.